Women, be passionately feminine - love your womanhood and embody it. Love the masculine and therefore complete it with your full femininity. Support each other in being women, being authentic, being physical, on all levels.
Welcome to numoon Nadine Spitzley.
Being a woman is different from being a man.
Our cyclical nature is not only expressed on a physical level but also influences our feelings, our perceptions, our experiences. This applies to our fertile life period and continues into menopause and beyond.
In coaching sessions and workshops, I encourage women to use both the masculine approach of problem-solving and to learn the feminine variant. Instead of relying solely on the intellect, we should practice understanding the language of our bodies to balance the (over-) power of the mind through body wisdom.
The goal is a fulfilled life in balance with the masculine and feminine parts of our personality.
The new moon is invisible and represents letting go of the old and building the new. It symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle, a new era.
connect with yourself
Are you living
your full potential?
"Inspiring women to design exactly the life that suits them in deep connection with themselves - that is my passion. Masculinity and femininity in balance - that is my focus." Nadine Spitzley
The goal is an authentic, fulfilled life in flow,
a healthy balance of all personality aspects.
@ Praxis gynhealth Zürich
Crises are our developmental springboards. When it hurts, we take a closer look. When we are thrown off track, we wake up. If we repress the emerging drama, it grows underground and carves a new, clearer path.
Therefore, I support and guide my clients in consciously engaging with themselves to learn the lesson that enables their personal “Next Level”.
Instead of remaining in the victim role, it is about taking on the authorship of one's life story. We ourselves are both the author and the protagonist. This means that we can take responsibility for our own sphere of influence and gradually initiate a course correction. Because the heroine's journey doesn't have to be needlessly long! It's up to us, the goal we aim for, the path we choose, the people we surround ourselves with.
But first, we need to be heard. We need someone who understands us, to whom we can entrust our thoughts, feelings, and secrets - someone we can trust, with whom we can bring out all that is inside to relieve ourselves and then gain an overview.
Turning to a (still) unfamiliar person requires courage. Facing one's own drama requires strength. But for those who are willing to bring it, I am here, and it is my joy and honor to accompany women through various kinds of chaos, to support them and advise them.
As a sensitive listener, I encourage them to get to the root of causes and to meet themselves honestly. Our collaboration enables processes of change and self-discovery. The basis is an authentic, appreciative relationship, through which a space is created in which we can gradually come closer to each individual truth and thereby reveal the core of the problem - its solution.
can mean short-term, goal-oriented support, as well as longer-term collaboration. Some clients I see for a one-time clarifying conversation, others use my offer for self-reflection for many years continuously or as needed occasionally.
Symptom and problem elimination is only part of the possible benefits of a coaching process. Rather, it is about a more complex understanding of one's own personality structure, a deepening of self-reflection, about acceptance and loving acceptance of one's own multifaceted being.
Because the relationship with ourselves is the crucial basis for all relationships we have with other people.
@ Praxis gynhealth Zürich
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